Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 2010

March came in like a lion" this year. So maybe it will "go out like a lamb." Maybe not. Weather, like life, is sometimes impossible to predict.

But with the right focus, you and I can be centered no matter what. This is one of the goals of hypnosis and meditation, to help us create a safe harbor amidst the ups and downs of daily living. Whatever the issue that presents itself, living in the present helps us handle whatever comes up.

There is a wonderful phrase in the the bible "this too shall pass". And it applies to good times as well as to the bad. Knowing that regardless of whether you are facing a lion of a challenge or a soft time in life it will change is a special wisdom. It comes from the awareness that all any of us have is this moment.

The only constant truly is change. So, with that, let the good times roll.

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